Today's large organizations deploy many AIS (Automated Information System) systems from many vendors. Lack of standards and incompatibilities among different AIS systems not only segregates and duplicates the corporate data, but also causes data loss and sometimes even worse security breach issues. As the industry consolidates, migrations from one AIS vendor to another are deemed inevitable to many customers. This is when the data loss and security issues come to hunt the customers who are placed in a delima: facing an unfavored AIS system, or facing a data loss issue after switching.
3S International is dedicated to the technologies and solutions for the data integrity and data recovery for large organizations. Our products and services combined with our long time experiences in the industry help our customers to prevent the data loss and security issues from happening. Data loss and the associated security issues should never be a stopper for customers who are considering migration from one vendor to another.
Data recovery tools that cost some of the customers millions of $ are now free for use. Please check out our online services for annotation data conversions.
A great example of the usage of the conversion technology is the development of the viewer integration framework (VIF) for ECM platforms/systems that enables plug-and-play of multiple 3rd party content viewers. With a VIF layer built into an ECM platform, deployment of viewers never becomes so easy for the customers - simply dropping a viewer bundle into a specified location on a file system. So are the switching and migration of viewers. VIF takes care of everything else including conversion of annotation data from one viewer to another automatically if necessary.